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Spring Branch American Little League



Coach Pitch

Ground Rules 2023


Coach Pitch League shall be governed by Little League rules and the General Ground Rules except for the following approved local league rules:



a.The team roster shall consist of players with the league age of six, seven andeight years old. (With the provision the six-year-old has playedT Ball the previous year). Any players outside this age range cannot play on a team without board approval.


b. The player agent shall organize the team rosters.


c.The player agent shall equalize the team rosters as best as possible and determine the maximum number on each team.


d.Managersshall not and will notencourage a player to quit.


e. No request for a team change will be permitted without good cause and approved by the Board of Directors of the League.


2. There shall be FIVE (5) pitches or 3 strikes, no walks, three strikes is an out. (All pitches must be overhand. No underhand pitches allowed)


3.If a batted ball hits the pitching coach it will be considered a foul.


4. A player cannot steal from ANY BASE.


5. The team roster shall use the continuous batting order (Every member bats) No changes shall be made in the batting order due to defensive changes.


6.Each team member will play defensively a minimum of every other inning.


7.A team will be allowed a maximum of 5 runs per inning.



8.When the total runs scored as a result of an over the fence Home Run exceeds the five-run limit, all runs will count with the maximum of eight runs.


9. No inning will start after one hour ten minutes from start time. If an inning is in progress, it will be completed.


10.An official game isthree innings,two and one-half if the home team is ahead.


11. Theumpire willdeclare the ball dead once the ball is controlled by the pitcher (pitcher only) inside the pitching circle or the ball is controlled in advance of the lead runner. All runners must return to their respective bases provided they have not crossed the halfway (White) line.


12.Vacancies shall be filled from the player agent’s list of late registrants.


13.No head first sliding. Runner is out. Exception is a return to base.


14.No on deck batting.


15. A runner will be allowed one base on an over thrown ball.


16. Four (4) players will be allowed in the outfield when both teams have a minimum of 10 players.


Changes/Enforcements at half-Season (Starting Game 6 – 5/6/23)

a.     Dugouts will include 4 coaches only (3 coaches and a pitcher).

b.     Pitching coach is not allowed to coach players from the field. He is only allowed to speak to other coaches between plays. Not the players.

c.     Pitching coach must pitch from the center of the pitching mound/circle where normally the pitching rubber would be in place.

d.     No defensive coach on the field. All coaches should be in the dugout during defensive play.

e.     Pitching coach must exit the field away from the hit after ball is in play. He should not re-enter the field until play is dead.

f.      Base coaches should not touch the players unless the ball is dead.

g.     Player cannot lead off. Cannot leave base until ball passes the plate or is hit.

h.     All infielders should play inside or outside the base lines avoiding the base runner.

i.       All infielders should be behind or away from the base unless the ball is in their control.


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Spring Branch American Little League

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